Tuesday, February 16, 2010

International cooking Nights

One of the other advantages about being an International student are delicious and mind-boggling cooking nights, where international students get to cook their traditional home food for others to experience and enjoy. These cooking nights enable international students to experience different cuisines and get a taste of different flavors from around the world. It is one of those experiences that one never forgets because it leaves you rich with a new kind of knowledge.

At a recent cooking night, there was Bulgarian salad, Zimbabwean stew, Indian vegetables and Russian potato salad. With this list of the types of food that most international students have at home, it is evident that it is healthy for the body, thus when most of them arrived here and were confronted with oily and greasy food stuff, it was a shock and a disappointment. However, most of them found ways of getting by, and they soon got used to it.

This occasion not only provides a chance for international students to cook their traditional food but also gives time for international students to bond with each other. It provides international students with the privilege of cooking the food that they miss from home and thus eliminate homesickness. It gives international students a chance to be closer to home through food. On top of that, cooking nights also gives international students an alternative to campus dining food, which most of them don’t really like. Most international students claim that Trinity dining food lacks taste and is not healthy for the body. Therefore, with cooking nights, international students get to escape campus dining facilities and eat as if they were home.

Cooking days broaden knowledge about other cultures food and it also provides international students with the opportunity of tasting new and different cuisines. It’s an event organized by the International committee, thus showing that they are doing their job and are always seeking ways of making an international student’s life here at trinity easy and feel more like home.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

As mentioned before, being an international student comes with a cost and an advantage and some of the main advantages are incredible dinner receptions hosted by Trinity staff.  A taste of this was given out during International student orientation where Dr. Brazil, the then president of Trinity University invited all International students to his house for dinner. The dress code was business casual or ethnic traditional.  The dress code provided all international with an opportunity to show off their ethnic clothing and in result the international student’s horizons were broadened and they were able to see traditional clothing from all over the world. It showed us the hidden beauty of nations, it was an unforgettable sight!
Dr. Brazil’s reception gave international students the opportunity to not only see other ethnic clothing but to also taste international cuisine. There was food from different countries and it turned out to be an enlightening experience because it provided international students with the privilege of experiencing different things. It was one of those experiences that enabled us as to International to interact with one another and learn a thing or two about other cultures. There were so many countries and almost every continent was represented and it was a learning experience. On that note, some of the countries represented were India, Botswana, Vietnam, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Thailand and Nigeria. 
Therefore, although, being an International student can be a cost, it comes along with immense amounts of benefits that surpass all understandings. It is a learning experience as international students get to learn more about other nations, cultures and traditions.